Mary - Mother of God

The title of Mary as the Mother of God was given during the council of Ephesus in the 4th century. At that time, heretics were claiming that the divinity of Christ is separated from his humanity. But the Church fathers met in Ephesus and dealt with the heresy. The Council proclaimed that Jesus is both God and man-that his humanity and divinity are so intertwined that these cannot be separated. That is why we proclaim that Jesus was "begotten not made" and that Jesus is "true God and true man."

The fathers at the council also said that Mary is theotokos - meaning God-bearer.

Mary's exalted position in the Church does not stem from her being theotokos. As scripture records, a woman once told Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nurtured you." Jesus replied, "More blessed are those who listen and obey the Word of God." Surely Mary is blessed because she was chosen to be the God-bearer. But she is more blessed because of all humanity, past, present and future- no one can love Jesus the way Mary loved him. Who can love someone more than his own mother?

We also note that when Mary said, "Be it done to me according to your word", it was only then that the Word became flesh. It was only then that God began to take shape in her womb. Similarly, when we hear God's promise, we do not worry about how it should happen or when it should happen. We can only say as our Mother said, "Be it done to me according to your word."

In humble trust and confidence in the Lord, we give him our entire person so that he in turn can begin to take shape in us.

I owe my repentance to our Mother. Several years ago, the Lord gave me my most important birthday gift - my repentance and conversion through Mary. Through Mary, I slowly got to know about Jesus. Indeed, we grow in knowledge of Christ with the guidance of Mary. To Jesus through Mary.

Thank God for the gift of Jesus through Mary. Blessed be the Name of the Lord our God.

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